Unlock a year of learning for less!
Until June 30th you can secure a 2 for 1 discount on Growth Pod Membership.
Join us at MindPick Growth Pod to accelerate your career.
- Expand your network.
- Gain immediate, actionable learning and support from your Pod.
- Receive targeted feedback tailored to your specific needs.
- Access sessions designed to support cognitive, emotional and social learning.
- Grow your professional skills and knowledge with our experienced mentors and coaches.
- Benefit from post-session support and future check-ins to complete the learning cycle.
- Access MindPick social events and development days.
- Be a part of an exciting new industry initiative.
Secure your spot in our pilot program and if you register before 30th June 2 people can join for the price of 1. Fill in the form to register your interest for our upcoming Growth Pod Sessions.
Don’t miss your chance to join the first wave of Growth Pod participants and transform your career trajectory. Register your interest now and be a part of something extraordinary!
We look forward to welcoming you to the MindPick community.